Ensuring occupational safety is one of the most important tasks at "SNEMA-SERVIS" LLC. The Company has developed and is implementing a system for ensuring occupational safety, which includes a mandatory area of focus for conducting a special assessment of working conditions. Conducting a special assessment of working conditions is carried out, first and foremost, in the interests of the employees. The implementation of their right to safe work is directly dependent on it.
Special assessment of working conditions (SAWC) is the identification of harmful and hazardous factors in production, measurement of the level of their impact on an employee, and the implementation of safe workplaces.
Why is the special assessment of working conditions carried out? It is necessary to assess the safety of a workplace and is aimed at eliminating identified harmful factors, or providing benefits and guarantees in connection with the “harmfulness” of the given workplaces.
All hazardous and harmful production factors (physical, chemical and biological) present in the workplace, as well as the demanding nature and intensity of work, are subject to assessment. The levels of hazardous and harmful production factors are determined on the basis of instrumental measurements. Instrumental measurements of physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological factors, as well as ergonomic studies, are carried out in the process of work, that is, during the production processes in accordance with technological regulations, with working and effective means of collective and personal protection in place.
During this process, control methods provided for by the relevant regulatory documents are utilized. The assessment of the actual state of working conditions in terms of the degree of harmfulness and hazardousness is carried out on the basis of a comparison of the measurement results of all hazardous and harmful factors of the working environment, as well as the severity and intensity of the work process, against the hygienic standards established for them.
A special assessment of working conditions at "SNEMA-SERVIS" LLC is carried out on the basis of:
— Federal Law of the Russian Federation N 426-FZ as of 28.12.2013 “On special assessment of working conditions”,
— Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 33n as of 24.01.2014 “On approval of the Methodology for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, the Classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, the report form for a special assessment of working conditions and instructions for filling it out”,
— Order “On the organization and conduction of a special assessment of working conditions.”
To conduct a special assessment of working conditions, an organization that conducts a special assessment of working conditions is engaged: Limited Liability Company "Centr Ekspertiz", Laboratory for the Research of Working Conditions.