Recently, there has been a spike in fraudulent activity via the Telegram app by fraudsters pretending to represent the management of SNEMA-SERVIS LLC. We are asking you not to engage in correspondence with the fraudsters. Block the user, do not disclose any personal data or information related to the the Company activities. In the event of such cases, please contact the Head of the Corporate Security Department, Mikhail Yuryevich Zinchenko (phone 8-919-611-22-09, e-mail


Installation and commissioning of electrical equipment
Installation and commissioning of instrumentation, process control, security, fire alarm, CCTV and communication systems
​Process, equipment, and engineering systems commissioning
Maintenance services
Verification and calibration of measuring instruments
Installation and adjustment of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
Construction and mechanical installation
Development and assembling of training stands